Anna Sophia...Beach Bum... Nags Head, North Carolina |
Heads up! The next few posts will be an overload of cutesy beach pictures. Including, but not limited to, children, Jack Russell Terriers and Lighthouses. If you have an aversion to any of these....or sand in general you may want to skip visiting here until next week.
I love the intense light of this.
Thanks for your well wishes.
Thanks Gail! We were beach combining early in the morning. I'm thinking this was taken around 6:45 or so. Atlantic Ocean so always fab for the sunrises.
This is a real cutesy picture. It has something very special about it.
I'm missing the beach something fierce, so please..post away!
Love this shot.
Beautiful photograph!
YAY Samantha!!! Just what I needed to hear...someone who actually wants to see the beach pix! Thank you!
Thanks. Thanks a lot. Sitting here in the sweltering lower Midwest and you throw up pictures of the ocean. Have mercy. How much to I miss the ocean and would like to be there right about now?
I know....the temp is 111 here today...it's miserable.
This is a gorgeous shot. What a precious little girl. I really like the way you processed it. Stunning. Genie
Genie...Thank you! In development this had a slight desaturation/curve adjustment and a light vignetting (highlight priority) I'm glad you like it. I process in Lightroom only don't have a copy of Photoshop.
Wow - what a wonderful shot!
Awwww....Thanks LadyFi!!!!
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