One of the reasons I enjoy my tractor time is that it is a solitary pursuit. Event though it takes a bit of concentration (stayin' between the rows/not getting whacked in the head by low branches/makin' sure the hogs not boggin' down/not hitting any trees - ya' catch my drift right?) I can multi-task. There is a lot of time to check out the world around me. When mowin' tree rows ya go slow....excruciatingly slow. Here are some wildflower snaps from my tractor seat.
Solidago speciosa aka 'Showy Goldenrod'
Solidago speciosa aka 'Showy Goldenrod'
Aster pilosus aka 'Heath Aster'
I confess, I didn't mow this one down. It's blue. I just couldn't do it. Mostly because it's blue. So I took one x-tra minute...disengaged the PTO, raised the deck and went around. And all things considered I think it was the best minute of the's certainly the one I feel the best about. Did I mention my blue justification?
Now if I can just figure out what the heck it is....I'm going with Aster. But is is Aster patens, Aster novae-angliae, Aster azureus, or my best guess of Aster puniceus? Anyone have any ideas?