Mez human dog bez zick. Zhe zayz dat zhe haz gotz der flea bugz.
Mez zay dat zhe zhould have been gettin herzelf da fleaz dipz. Zhe zayz dat it not bez da zame ting.
Mez tink dat der human dog zee needz a trip to der groommerz fur da dipz.
Zee bez back zoon.
In der mean timez....mez take goodz carez of herz. Mez zit on herz and growlz at everybodyz dat checkz on herz.
Mez zay nothingz about der catz....mez concentrating all minezelfz energyz all on herz. Mez haz lotz and lotz of der energyz. I bez der Jack Ruzzel Terrierz and dez bez der truthz.
Fleas huh? Poor you. Hope you feel better soon and that little JR dog of yours keeps you well.
Youz take ze good carez of zez humanz, zoz that zez getz vell zoon.
For goodness sakes Charlotte Pup Pup, I have the FLU not fleas! Whatever will our dear readers think of us. Fleas indeed. rollseyes.
Hope you feel better - bez good!
Pup Pup, I bet you take awesome care of your human. Get well soon!
Oh you poor friend! I was in bed all last week, My little jrt stayed right by me. Of course so di my little Diesel and all 3 cats, so I might have fleas now! I hope you get better soon.
Get better soon!! And thanks for your advice on my blog!!
Tami - I'm calling out for help. My dear little Percy has been dognapped. Will you please ask your readers to go to
and plead for mercy for my little plastic dog boy?
I'm also hoping for compensation for my pain and suffering. NY bagels and cheesecake should calm my troubled heart
Fleas or the flu it must all be the same to Charlotte. Pup Pup can you make some Chicken soupz?
Hope you feel better soon Tami:)
Lol! I hope you are feeling better soon! I am sure you are getting lots of help from Charlotte! :)
What a cute doggy! :)
Poor you. I hope all that TLC is working and that you're feeling on the mend now.
Hope you are feeling better :)
Oh Charlotte, if only a flea dip would solve all that is wrong with us! Maybe you get another human dog to make her some chicken noodle soup that might help. Otherwise, staying close to her will make her feel protected and loved and sometimes that all us human dogs really need.
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