July 29, 2009

Tough Lil' Cuss

One thing I love about Jack Russell Terriers is there tough as nails attitude. I mean nothing will deter them. NOTHING! Take for example Charlotte's missing eyebrows in the above photo. That was due to this little guy in the bottom photo. That is a groundhog. The photo was not cropped....I was close. And not by choice.
Check out those big honkin' teeth. They chatter them together when under attack. I'll assure you that does not make a Jack Russell scared. Quite the opposite. It creates an uncontrollable blood lust in them.
I love tough. I do. But I wish you could teach a Jack the difference between tough and fool hardy. By the time I located Charlotte, went back to the garage for a shovel and pair of sharp lopers to cut undergrowth. Over to the Sugar Shack for boots, a long sleeve shirt, and gloves. And hacked my way into the old fence row and mess on the property border...she was in a fine frenzy. The Groundhog was chattering for all it was worth. Charlotte was bleeding profusely from the mouth where she was bit on the tongue. Not to even mention the abrasions from above the eyes.
Charlotte's on the mend. The Groundhog? Well he definitely didn't die that day. The hole he was working on is abandoned. I'm not sure if he will come back to finish it. Maybe once the path I had to cut is filled back in. But the Groundhog thought he won. You should have heard the ungodly sound he made when I finally grabbed onto Charlotte and pulled her out of the brambles. It was like a victory cry. I ways rollin' my eyes thinkin' he should be thankin' me for savin' his cotton pickin' lil' life.
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Tami Weingartner said...

P.S. Adandoned photo shop till winter....just can not figure it out. Pictures are ending up everywhere on my computer. No editing till winter I guess.

The Wife said...

I've never figured out photoshop! Those JRTs are tenacious! It's hard to get Pepper to stop once she's on to something.

Alyson | New England Living said...

Ahh, what a sweet, little fool hardy dog! Poor little guy. Hope he's doing well.

Claudia said...

I hope Charlotte mends well, those terrier are something else. We had a Wire Hair Fox Terrier who was ready to take on all enemies real and perceived.

What a spunky dog.

Bekah said...

phew! Glad Charlotte come out of it okay! We just had to get one of the farm dogs out to the vet for stitches in her tongue after she refused to leave a certain crabby groundhog alone! It wasn't our jack russell, but she had the same foolhardy determination!

Libby's Library said...

I would have had a heart attack it I had to break that one up.

Tami Weingartner said...

Charlotte's doing good. Actually I'm not all that convinced that she thought there was anything 'wrong' with her. LOL! Except that hubby now calls her Scare Face. She is under leash restriction till the hair grows back though.

JoMo said...

Such a Jack thing to do....Hope she's on the mend & everything heals nicely.
You've got to love that Jack spirit. Sweet & scrappy Charlotte!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Uffda, poor Charlotte, she picked a tough battle..hope she heals up ok.. Great photo of the obnoxious groundhog:)

JoMo said...

Can't get over that photo! Popping back to add...If you're interested, you have an award on my blog.

Michele said...

Ack, poor Charlotte! She really did look like she's been through the wringer! What a trooper she is to just keep fightin' that groundhog... sheesh!
I really hope she's doing better now.

Tami Weingartner said...

JoMo....I love awards I'll be over in the next day or two to grab it.

Linda said...

I've never seen a groundhog before, and not sure I want to see one before after this!

Poor Charlotte - still, you can see the light of battle in his eyes even after losing his eyebrows!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness waht a tough pupu pup! Hope she gets her eyebrows back!

Tash said...

Oh my gosh, that's a tough little dog all right! I'm amazed you got a photo of the groundhog. They looks so cute when they pop up from a hole in the park - but that photo and poor pups wounds show their viciousness.
BTW - I'll have to send you some photos of the glass chapel.

Tami Weingartner said...

Tash...Thank you so much for the gift of pictures of the Wayfarers Chapel....I await them eagerly. It's one of my favorite churches!

Linda...Groundhogs are usually very sweet, mind there own business kind of creatures. I actually really enjoy observing them. Unfortunately Charlotte usually makes a mess of things.

That Janie Girl said...

oh, my Lord. I'm glad your pup's okay!!!

Shelley said...

That is a tough and brave pup! That groundhog should count his lucky stars!!

DayPhoto said...

Goodness! That is my first look at an up close critter like that! We have badgers (I really try to stay my distanct) and skunks and other things.

Poor Pup-pup but what a brave doggie!
