May 20, 2010

The Measurement of Time

Pre-School Graduation today for my Nephew!

10 Ways Which Time Has Been Measured This Week

10. My Nephew is 5 and is graduating from Pre-School. Huh were just a little baby like yesterday right. I attended your birth. You can't be 5 and having your first Graduation's just not possible.

9. I broke my ankle 7 weeks ago...I thought the pain was never going to go away. Last night I managed 20 minutes and .55 miles on the treadmill. I'm so thankful for fast healing bones. But why can't I heal up faster?

8. We replaced the barn roof over the was put on 30 years ago. This fact just smacked me in the face. I remember them building the is it 30 years old already?

7. The scale. You know that thing you weigh yourself on. Ummmm yeah. It's going in the wrong direction like every year. I'm going to have to start paying strict attention to that one.

6. Thursday lunches w/my Grandpa. This is a revelation to me. I remember when HE used to pick ME up for dates. Now it's the opposite. The circle of life.

5. When my Mum was my age.....I was Graduating from High School. Ummm hello! I still don't think that I'm mature enough to raise a child and my Mum did so successfully by my age. Thanks Mum!

4. Last night I was going through some pictures that I have taken over the last 4 years. And wow they have got progressively better. I can not wait to see how my photography is going to change in the upcoming year.

3. Yesterday on the 4 Wheeler .... I was cruising the nursery checking out trees. And I thought ... Wow this field is about cleared out. How is that possible. I remember very clearly planting it on a Saturday morning. I was late for week and still a bit tipsy from the night before. (lol) The realization hit me then....that was 14 Springs ago.

2. Polo starts next Friday seems like forever since I've been to a match. But it's only been 8 months.

1. The last 12 months with my husband have been AMAZING! The way I gauge happiness has been forever changed and I'm just amazed and thankful daily for my fabulous life. Thanks honey...I love you more now than I ever have.

What about you? How have you measured time this week?


Far Side of Fifty said...

Good to hear from you! Time is moving a little fast for you I gets you get older it goes faster!

I am glad you ankle is healing..I broke mine 30 years ago and some days it still hurts..I would say you are doing pretty darn well to be on the treadmill for a half a mile!
Your photography has improved, it has been wonderful to watch too! :)

Tami Weingartner said...

Thanks for the comment about my photography I truly love shooting Far Side!

I almost quite at the 15 minute mark. But I just slowed it down and kept plugging along. I was happy to get home and put it up and iced it.

Tonight was just not going to happen. But one day at a time.

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Time does fly doesn't it? It feels like just the other day that the 2010 FIFA World Cup was awarded to South Africa. That was 6 years ago. The event starts in exactly 3 weeks time. Time does fly.

As for photography. Its amazing looking back and seeing how one got better over time.

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

I was sharing with a friend how we went to Arkansas "a few years ago" for a visit, but then I found a picture I had taken of something I bought on that visit and it was at least 7 years ago. Where did 7 years go!!! Even after bones heal they sometimes don't feel right -- I can still "feel" the pelvic bone I broke 3 years ago (or was it 2?) even though it is "healed".

Susie said...

I held you in my arms the very first time and then a blink and here you are a grown woman. I held him in my arms the very first time and then a blink and here he is at his at his first graduation

A blink and a blink in time or maybe a blink is time

Tami Weingartner said...

Firefly I was thinking about the FIFA World cup last week. Hope every thing runs smoothly!

Mamasita said...

Hey!!! Ok... loving your blog! I am new to it and am really enjoying getting to see such a wide variety! I too am an avid horse lover - camper - kayaker - AND have a Jack Russell Terrier - Beagle named Harley!!! He isn't up on my blog yet - but will be SOON! I have a 7 month old and stay pretty busy! Also just opened a childcare "Country Chick's Childcare" My motto: bringing a taste of the country to the city! :-) Take care!!!

CTG Ponies said...

It sure does seem that time moves faster the older you get. I can't believe my daughter is 13 and taller than me! Seems like yesterday she was a little pipsqueak.

Anonymous said...

I turned 30 in January and I can not believe that 30 years have already gone by. How can that be?

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hi Tami, I know you used to follow Leilani Lees blog..she is going through a hard time..:(