August 27, 2009

Day 9 - A River Runs Through It

Dear Mr. President Obama (if that is the wrong salutation I apologize),

Please send money....

We have crumbling infrastructure here at the farm. The main line from the Well that feeds all our homes and buildings is slowly deteriorating. I woke up this morning and went out to walk the dogs only to find that the 'Sugar Shack' now has a mote. That's right.....a mote.

Please do not send Home Land Security, ATF, NSA, FBI, or the CIA.... we did not plan the mote. It is not part of a farm home security plan. We have a busted main line.

Please send some 'Infrastructure Funding'. You know that bill you passed to fix up the roads, bridges, dams, electrical grid, water ways.

Do not send a team of engineers, OSHA, DER, DEP, Prevailing Wage workers and supervisors, the operators union, a host of brand new shiny equipment. We don't want to turn a $80 job into a $80,000 job.

Just send the check.....80 bucks will do......I'll be waiting.....


Pennsylvania Wild Woman

P.S. It's the only money were asking for.....we've been bailout free since 1902.

P.P.S. Of course if you decide to extend the 'Cash for Clunkers' program to include farm machinery our 1948 Hi-clear sure could used replaced....we bought it new, paid cash too, it still's just a little rough.


The Wife said...


A New England Girl said...

Hah! I hope he gets your message. ;)

Claudia said...

Probably put you on the enemies list.

Tami Weingartner said...

Claudia...Your probable right. And since I have a mote...I should not develop a sense of false security!

Tami Weingartner said...

Do you think they will let me take my camera to Gitmo?

Libby's Library said...

This would be funny - except it's so close to the mark!

Libby's Library said...

Oh - and if you get put on the "Enemies List" you'll be in good company!

Tami Weingartner said...

Mote is Middle English for Moat...don't hold my spelling against me....I went to public school in the 80's most of what I know about English and History comes from steamy bodice ripper Medieval romance novels. Thank you Virginia Henley!

Tami Weingartner said...

Charlotte says she is not going to accompany me to Gitmo....says she isn't interested in water surfing.

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

If the bail out doesn't arrive quickly your mat may turn into a canyon. But on the up side the canyon may become deep enough to attract tourists which may in turn bring in lots of money to upgrade the infrastructure around the canyon. LOL.

Tami Weingartner said...

Firefly.... Yes tourism, that is an excellent suggestion!

Anonymous said...

I loved it!! It angers me to no end about the bail out.

Linda said...

Sounds a good idea - better to have efficient farm machinery than yet another recreational-use car. I don't think our government has thought of that one yet either. We have a similar scrappage scheme for cars over 2 years old. Two years isn't OLD...

DayPhoto said...

You made me laugh! I'll bet you won't get anything, though.
