September 20, 2009

Day 33 - Thankful For Clean Water

I'm so thankful for clean water....that is easily available. The farmyard is sprinkled with these lovely hydrants....inside buildings, outside buildings, in front of every bow house...and just in seemingly random places.

I don't take our water for granted. I am truly grateful for it everyday and I understand what a difficult existence it would be if it were not so readily available.


Anonymous said...

I like this! We had several of those water hydrants on our farm/ranch also. Water is something we sometimes take for granted until its not there.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I heard some speculation on the news the other day that in fourty or fifty years water could be scarce..hard to imagine, guess we better appreciate it! :)

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

I am also always very thankful for fresh water readily available in a tap and really try hadr to get my kids to have that same mentallity. Here in South Africa there are so many people without running water in their homes and some parts of the country are going through a severe drought, so I am thankful for every drop.

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

When storms spawned by Hurricane Ivan came through here whenever that was (last summer?),we were without power for about a week and that meant the well where we get our water was dead too. I will never ever again take for granted how wonderful it is to turn a spigot and have water come out. We used to have one of these lovely hydrants but then they ripped out the pipeline when they expanded the highway and the hydrant was no more.

Tami Weingartner said...

It was very nice to read your comments about this subject. Nice to know that others are concerned about the issue of future water quality and quantity!