November 17, 2008

James Bond

Weekend Recap......

Daniel Craig makes for a delicious James Bond.

Scrambled eggs, toast & tea is good for lunch.  Especially if you just got out of bed.

Eeking out a book (The Bronze Horseman) a couple pages at a time because your afraid it will end badly for the characters...

Getting an award always makes one feel so lovely.  I got the Superior Scribbler from Gizzards & Calf Fries.   I'm going to spread the love over the next couple of weeks.  The award itself is over to the right. 
Next year Obie gets a new winter blanket... at $105 for repairs and cleaning a new one would have been cheaper, unless the patches hold.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I could do with a huge pile of leftover mashed potatoes?


Libby's Library said...

As for the huge pile of leftover mashed potatoes...
1. Reheat
2. Add LOTS of butter.
3. EAT
No need for anything else on the side. If you would like to "cut out the middle man" just apply directly to butt and thighs.

Tami Weingartner said...

Oh my! That is sooooooo funny!

Unknown said...

I just found a food site and she has three different recipes for leftover mashed potatoes.
Look under her potato recipe section.
FYI, I really like Schneiders winter blankets!

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

Oh... make potato pancakes. Make potato soup. What neas nuttiness said. Make a shephards' pie with potato crust.... what neas nuttiness said. Sorry but I'm a Sean Connery fan for Bond...

Far Side of Fifty said...

Fried potato cakes! Just fry them up like big Hamburger patties in some butter, easy on flipping them when they are brown on one side..yummy! I must have some on my thighs too..but I prefer to taste them first!
Who ever that dude is with the great to die for blue eyes is..he will never truly be BOND to us old ladies who still quiver and quake at the thought of Sean Connery..sorry no substitutes. (Just like my thoughts on butter!) :)

Anonymous said...

Mmm... Daniel Craig... but my real heart-throb is still Connery and that Scots accent of his.

Left over mashed potatoes - potato cakes are good ... you can add some egg to make them hold together better.

Or why not a CAKE? Pile up the mash into a cake shape and then decorate with (meat or meatless): slices of sausage, meat/soyaballs, cucumber slices, peas etc... It looks very pretty and tastes good too!

Tami Weingartner said...

Potato cakes .... fried in butter....on my where they yummy. I do think that next time I will add an egg to see if that will hold them togeather better.

Sean Connery. He is equally lovely ladies. But I do like the edgy/moody portrayal by Craig.